Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wild & Wacky Wednesday

Well, the time has finally come!  I am taking several of your suggestions and starting a Blog of my Family Circus for your entertainment.  I thoroughly enjoy reading some of your blogs and decided it's much easier to give all the details on a Blog than to try and crunch it down to a few hundred Facebook words.  So, here we go!  Off to a day in the Chapman Family Circus!

Why did I choose the title "The Chapman Family Circus", you say?  Well, hang around a bit and you'll know exactly why...

First off, I'll start with yesterday.  I'll start by telling you I am NOT a morning person.  I enjoy staying up late at night until 2:00 a.m. or so...when it's quiet in the and hubby are in bed...and I am all alone.  It's when I take the time to refuel to prepare for the next day.  I might read for a while, work on a bow order here and there, watch a movie, or surf the net.  But, whatever I find myself doing, I'm enjoying it...all...alone.  Don't take me wrong, I love my kids; I love my husband.  I have the best in the world, so let's not argue about that anymore.  But, Mommy and Wifey needs time to herself everyday so I can continue loving them!  :)  I always felt guilty in my alone time, until recently when I came to the realization that it is absolutely necessary for my sanity and theirs.
So, with that being said, back to my first point...I am NOT a morning person.  My two year old son, however, is.  He gets up with a bounce every morning with this ravishing hunger that I didn't know existed; that can't even wait 5 minutes for a pancake to pop out of the toaster!  So, instead of waiting on Mommy for 10 or 15 minutes to drag out of bed, stumble to the kitchen and throw together prepare breakfast, he has taken it upon himself to find a "snack" to ease the hunger pangs until breakfast can be properly served at a suitable time.  A suitable time, mind you, can very well be 10:30, as I am NOT a breakfast person, either, and would rather skip it and go on to lunch most days.  So, yesterday, while I am sitting in the recliner trying to fully wake up, I hear total silence coming from the kitchen where he entered 5 minutes ago.  Yep, you guessed it...I know there's trouble when I don't hear the usual noises that come with a two year old.  So, I hollared from the kitchen, "Blayne!  What are you doing?"  He hollared back, "Eating hice-cream!"  (That's ice-cream for those of you who can't understand two year old language.)  "Come here where I can see you," I told him.  So, he came around the corner with the remaining evidence in hand and on his face.  I said, "WHERE did you get the ice-cream?"  He said, "Umm...from the freezer."  And, I could have sworn he also said, "Duh!" afterward, but I could be mistaken.
I had NO idea he could even open the freezer, but to think of getting an ice-cream for breakfast?!?  Maybe he IS more like me than I thought.

More of this day to come...

1 comment:

  1. Ha, in our house it's backwards: I wake up starving and Talia doesn't want to eat until lunch. :D

    Blayne's a mess!
